from John the Maitre d'

From John the Maitre d' - news from the best neighborhood, Hollywood bar in Los Angeles.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Drink Culture

Here is one of the first test shots Mark and I took to promote the upcoming new drink list.  This shot gives no real indication of the drinks on the list, however, it does, in my opinion, illustrate the "drink culture" that the new list promotes.  I look forward to assisting Mark in making this insightful shift @ the Dresden happen.

- John the maitre'd

Monday, October 26, 2015

Mark and Reny behind the bar

Mark and Renny behind the bar.  Bringing a new vibe to old school @ the Dresden!
So, with Johnny retiring and the march of time, on your next visit you will most likely see some new faces here @ the Dresden.  Although Mark and Reny have been with us for a while,  (Mark, of course, grew up in the business), we expect to greet our patrons with some new energy and some adjustments to what we do.  I will keep you posted.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

Jane of Dick and Jane...

Jane of Dick and Jane Family Orchestra sang w/ Marty and Elayne Tonight.  Always lovely entertainment @ the Dresden.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Good to see you Johnny...

I ended up down Encinitas way, talked Johnny into coming out to meet me and some lovely folks so we could celebrate his birthday.  Johnny insists he's loving retired life down in San Diego, however, all his fans and friends at the Dresden miss him in Los Angeles.

- John the Maitre'd

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Telephones at your booth

Newsflash, 1966 -  telephones at your booth!  Let's face it, today it's easy.  Everyone has a cell phone in their pocket, however, back in the day Carl and Sara were ahead of the curve and you could make calls from the Dresden dining room.  This archival clipping reminds us how much things have changed...  Yet our dining room and lounge retain an enduring quality from bygone Hollywood.
- John the Maitre 'd